The end of a relationship can be a highly emotive time, bringing with it feelings of anxiety, anger and even grief at the loss of ‘what could have been’.
Family lawyers often see people during their most anxious times, when the crucial touch-points to our human nature are threatened – our homes, our children, our self-esteem and even our livelihood. Too often we see people ‘lost in the fog’ of separation making significant life decisions that are driven by negative emotions of anger and fear.
Regrettably, family conflict can escalate with the commencement of legal proceedings. The harsh reality of litigation is that it carries with it high financial and emotional costs, and at the end of a lengthy process, very few people walk out of court feeling ‘winners’.
However, there is a better way. Collaborative Law offers a fresh approach to help separating couples with property settlement and parenting arrangements. Unlike litigation, collaborative practice focuses on positive problem-solving with minimal conflict.
The collaborative process sees separating couples and their lawyers working together cooperatively to find solutions that meet both parties’ needs. Other professionals, such as accountants, counsellors and the like, can be called into the process to assist with a particular financial or children’s issue that the separating couple may be facing. The collaborative approach allows the parties far greater control over their separation process. Often we see parties able to address a wider range of options than might be considered in the traditional adversarial approach.
An experienced family lawyer can advise if your matter is suitable for resolution through collaborative practice.
If you are considering a collaborative approach, it pays to make an early enquiry as both parties will need to choose a collaboratively-trained lawyer.
In Queensland, some seventy lawyers are presently trained in collaborative practice, including our principal, Yvonne Davey.