Davey Law can assist with all aspects of your divorce, including the service of documents and appearance in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.
Property Settlements
We will assess your property entitlements and work with you to achieve a just outcome through negotiation, mediation, collaborative lawyering, or litigation.
Children’s Matters
Davey Law has strong experience in working through the many and difficult factors and processes involved in achieving optimal parenting arrangements for all concerned.
Court Applications
We favour resolution of family law issues through negotiation, mediation or collaborative lawyering. However, if litigation becomes necessary, Davey Law will represent you competently.
Domestic Violence
Davey Law is able to act on behalf of either the Aggrieved party or the Respondent in domestic violence matters and we are experienced in handling this aspect of relationship breakdown.
This website provides information only and is not a substitute for legal advice.